Wednesday, May 28, 2008

more undisturbed demise

the encounter with death made me look more closely at other instances. found 2 more carcases in the same building. this puppy has been dead for much longer. on another staircase...

another dead dog lying on the 11 th floor.....

this made me reassess other deaths i had seen on my earlier explorations. death has a peculiar face when it has been undisturbed by humans. this puppy looks like it has been runover by a road-roller. but i found it in a cement factory lying undisturbed in a corner. there are many dogs living in this factory.

a recently dead dog on MG road in front of the demolished buildings. runover by a car perhaps...

there were pigeon nest on a ledge above this. but apparently not very safe as this broken egg bears testament...

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